Helping people with sight loss to access and make the most of technology

Our Connect by Tech service provides one-to-one telephone or online support to help people set up and explore everyday technology to build better connections with the world online.

Will it suit me?

If you have a good knowledge of technology and are passionate about wanting to share the benefits of it with others, then this role is perfect for you. We need patient and friendly volunteers who are good at problem solving and can confidently guide others. Each case is different, with the common aim to find a simple solution to suit. You don’t need to have a macular condition or sight loss; empathy and an understanding of its impact will help you to provide the best support.

Tasks include:

  • Understand the challenges and aims of the individual.
  • Understand what devices they use, and their level of experience/confidence.
  • Suggest solutions to help them achieve their goals.
  • Support them to implement solutions.
  • Check-up afterwards to ensure it's working.

Time commitment

This is a flexible role, so you can offer as much time as you can spare, fitting it around other commitments.

“Getting involved with the Society has been a good thing for me to do. One of the reasons is that you get to meet so many different people. I love meeting people, always have, so that’s been very enjoyable. Also, I wanted to find something worthwhile to do after teaching, which this certainly has been.”

Tony Hassan, volunteer

Macular Society volunteers

Apply for a volunteer role

Join our team and make a difference to people with macular disease. In a couple of days a week, or just a few hours, you’ll be doing something great.

Smiling group of volunteers

Other volunteer roles

Our volunteers are at the heart of the Macular Society, helping to Beat Macular Disease. We have a variety of roles available, depending on what you would like to do and how much time you can give.