For macular researchers
The importance of research into macular disease
Research into macular disease is underfunded in the UK. However, we see first-hand how important research can be for those with macular conditions. Every day we hear of the hope and faith our members have in the research we fund, and in all the research that goes on in the field.
We know that only through funding and supporting research into macular disease will we be able to find a cure for all those diagnosed.
How we help macular researchers
Our grant programmes
Every year the Macular Society funds vital research into macular disease. You can find out more about the research grants and PhDs that we fund, and how to apply.
Information about our grants
You can find more information about the research we fund, the application process, and guidance on how to apply. Here you can also find the Research Strategy.
Involving patients in research
Patients have a very important part to play in research. The Macular Society is able to support researchers by finding suitable and willing patients who can offer researchers the benefit of their experience of living with macular disease.
Recruit patients for your clinical research
The Macular Society is able to assist with patient recruitment by directly contacting people on our Research Participant Database who may be eligible. We can also advertise for volunteers in our quarterly member magazine Sideview, on our website and through our social media channels.
Our research policies
These policies aim to ensure the best quality research is funded, and to support the research and patient communities, to drive forward positive change.

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