Advice and frequently-asked questions for fundraising through events
Whether you have a Macular Society charity place or your own event place, here’s everything you need to know.
Charity places
How do I apply for a Macular Society charity place?
Before applying, check the event details and think carefully about how you’re going to achieve the minimum sponsorship required. Then complete our Charity event place registration form. We’ll be in touch!
Can I apply for a charity place if I’m under 18 years of age?
Yes, you can, but you will need to check the minimum age for your chosen event. You’ll find this listed on each of our event web pages. We’ll need written permission from a parent or guardian to enable you to participate and fundraise for us. And we’ll need a parent or guardian to accompany you to your chosen event.
Why do you charge a registration fee for charity fundraising places?
Paying this non-refundable fee demonstrates your commitment to participating and fundraising for us. It does not cover the cost of buying your place, just the administrative costs of organising your registration.
Will you refund my charity place registration fee if I need to withdraw?
We’re sorry but your registration fee is non-refundable. This is because we will already have incurred administrative costs in organising your registration and sending you your fundraising pack.
Why do you set a minimum sponsorship amount for each event?
Many people don’t realise there is a cost to us to purchase our charity places. A charity place often costs more than a public place, because it is ‘guaranteed’ for us to promote and use. We calculate the cost of your place, plus our materials and support, when setting our minimum sponsorship.
This ensures we raise enough money to help Beat Macular Disease and fund our support services.
Is there a deadline for my charity place minimum sponsorship?
We ask you to achieve 50% of your minimum sponsorship four weeks before your event. This avoids leaving your fundraising to the last minute and enables you to focus on enjoying your event. It also ensures all our costs are covered. Wherever possible, we ask you to achieve the balance of your minimum sponsorship four weeks after your event.
What happens if people have pledged sponsorship, but I’m having problems collecting it?
Please tell us as soon as possible, so that we can give you more time. We recommend creating an online sponsorship page, as it avoids you having to chase people for money. Please see our Create an online fundraising page.
What if I’m struggling to achieve my charity place minimum sponsorship?
Please contact us as soon as possible. We can give you advice and suggest fundraising ideas to help you. Check Do your own fundraising for inspiration. Please do not accept a charity place if you feel you will be unable to achieve the minimum amount required.
Can gift aid be counted towards my charity place minimum sponsorship?
Sorry, we can’t count gift aid towards your minimum sponsorship. Gift aid is paid to us as a lump sum, several months in arrears.
What if I miss the charity place registration deadline for my event?
We’ll prompt you to register, when the entry deadline is approaching. But if you miss it, we’ll still ask you to achieve your minimum sponsorship, because we can’t offer the place to anyone else.
What do I do if I’m ill or injured and cannot use my charity place?
Tell us as soon as possible – please don’t leave it to the last minute! We’ll then discuss the next steps with you, depending on your circumstances and the event you’ve entered. Some event organisers allow you to rollover your charity place to the following year, but others do not.
Can I transfer my charity place to someone else if I cannot take part?
Event organisers do not allow participants to transfer their place to another person. Please do not ask someone to participate in your place. Your medical and emergency contact details are usually stored against your race number or entry name. Having the correct medical information is vital in ensuring you get the right treatment in an emergency.
General guidance
Maximising your fundraising – here’s how:
Gift aid it!
HMRC allows the Macular Society to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated by UK tax payers of their own money. We love Gift Aid, but there are various qualifications as to what we are allowed to claim, so please ask us about this.
Employer match funding
See if your workplace offers matched-giving for the funds you raise. Lots of companies do this and it’s a great way to boost your fundraising.
How do I pay my sponsorship to you?
Online sponsorship pages
Once you’ve created an online page, your sponsors’ donations will be transferred automatically to the Macular Society.
Please make your cheque payable to ‘Macular Society’ and send it to the address overleaf. Include your completed sponsorship forms, so that we can claim any gift aid. If you have multiple cheques, send them in one batch with your sponsorship forms. Please don’t send cash through the post.
FAO: The Community & Events Team
Macular Society
PO Box 1870
SP10 9AD
Bank transfer
You can pay your sponsorship money direct into our bank account.
Acct Name: Macular Disease Society
Acct Number: 60869090
Sort Code: 20-46-73
- Use the reference C&E then your name (eg C&E Jane Smith). Otherwise we will not know who the money is from.
- Post back your sponsorship forms. Please also send us a quick email to let us know the amount and date paid in.
Do I need any personal insurance?
When taking part in an event to raise money, it’s important to be safe. Please ensure you have sufficient personal insurance to cover your participation. Alternatively, check this is provided with your entry into an organised event.
Do you have any advice on data protection?
We all need to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018. Please do not store details of individuals for longer than necessary, and keep any details secure and private. Do not pass personal details on to third parties. Please send in your sponsorship forms and, when we have processed them, we will destroy them.
Can you give me any help with publicity?
Yes we can! When you complete one of our event registration forms, you’ll be asked whether you’d like our press team to contact you.
Good luck and thank you for helping to Beat Macular Disease!

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