“I was diagnosed with a macular condition when I was 32. I’d had a varied career – forces, self-employed and in banking - but by the time I hit 40 I’d left my job. Things have improved terrifically since then because of technology. I’m a big believer in that.

It’s tough when sight loss hits you at a young age. It’s not the end of the world - though it can feel like that sometimes. There’s always something and someone out there to help. There are terrific opportunities for people with a visual impairment to learn new skills and use technology at work or in their free time. As an ex technical officer for blind people, I’d urge others to try, to see what might work for them.  You might surprise yourself, like me, and find a new hobby - I took up painting a few years ago and exhibited in a local art gallery at the age of 83!

I’ve been a member of the Macular Society for many years, and ran the Liverpool support group for 8. It’s really important to share your experience with others faced with similar challenges. I think the Society’s network of groups is essential for support and social activities - they are one of the reasons I’m remembering the Macular Society in my Will.

Another is research. I’ve got grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so I’m leaving a gift in my Will so that future generations might benefit. I doubt a cure will come for me, but there are plenty who’ll have macular disease in the future – and people like me, diagnosed when young.

They need to have hope – to know there are organisations around like the Macular Society who can help get them back on track.”

Don, Macular Society member (pictured above)

Will you join Don and remember the Macular Society in your Will? If you’d like to talk about it first, please get in touch; we’d love to hear from you.

Elderly couple signing documents

How to leave a gift in your Will

All you need to add a gift in your Will to the Macular Society, to help create a future free of macular disease.

Elderly couple looking at a tablet

Free Will-writing offers

Our free Will-writing services will help you make a Will that looks after your loved ones as well as supporting the Macular Society if you wish.

Conference delegate speaking with Macular Society staff at Gifts in Wills table

We’re here to help

If you have a question, need help or just want to talk before you decide to leave a gift in your Will, please get in touch.