“Dad had age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in one eye. When he was diagnosed he was told, “don’t worry, you won’t go blind with macular.” In other words, you won’t lose all your vision, just the centre part, not the peripheral. But losing your central vision is so life-altering, it becomes so much harder just to do things like watch TV, recognise faces, read numbers on the front of a bus. Things that are important in life.

My dad was completely shell-shocked. They told him so bluntly. A lot of people have the same tale, they’re told there is no cure and they leave with no help, maybe a few leaflets.

I’ve never had the experience myself but I’ve always feared I might do, because I know there’s a genetic element. But I’m optimistic that we will sort it out. A lot of people are very negative, they think they won’t ever see a cure happen. I try to be hopeful. We don’t know how long it is going to be, but it could be next week! I know it’s a long-winded process, but a cure is getting closer and closer. It’s on the horizon, we’re starting to see it approaching in the distance.

I am leaving a gift in my Will to the Macular Society in memory of my dad, to help fund research to bring that cure on the horizon ever closer!”

John, Macular Society Member

Many people, like John, remember the Macular Society in their Will because of a family history of macular disease. Others may remember the Macular Society in their Will to honour a loved one who suffered life-changing sight loss in older age.

A gift in your Will to remember someone special means their legacy lives on. Your gift will help families, many years from now, get the support and advice they need to help a loved one struggling to cope with macular disease. Or fund research to find a cure, so that in generations to come, families start to tell a very different story.

Elderly couple signing documents

How to leave a gift in your Will

All you need to add a gift in your Will to the Macular Society, to help create a future free of macular disease.

Elderly couple looking at a tablet

Free Will-writing offers

Our free Will-writing services will help you make a Will that looks after your loved ones as well as supporting the Macular Society if you wish.

Amanda Carr in lab coat

The difference you’ll make

Gifts in Wills make a tremendous difference to our funding of world-class research and provide a lifeline to people living with macular disease through expert advice and support.

Conference delegate speaking with Macular Society staff at Gifts in Wills table

We’re here to help

If you have a question, need help or just want to talk before you decide to leave a gift in your Will, please get in touch.