Each year two grants of up to £2,000 each are available to enable early career researchers working in the field of macular disease to attend the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) annual meeting in the USA, where they are presenting work.

Researchers should be within 10 FTE years of their last degree.

Applicants should provide their abstract as part of the application process. They should also present confirmation of acceptance from ARVO.

For queries relating to travel grants please contact research@macularsociety.org

Deadline for applications: 23 February 2024


Luminita Paraoan team in laboratory

Information about our grants

You can find more information about the research we fund, the application process, and guidance on how to apply. Here you can also find the Research Strategy.

Researcher in laboratory

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Beating macular disease through funding medical research and improving the lives of those living with macular disease.