
Maintaining the health of the blood vessels in the macula

Professor Majlinda Lako, Newcastle University - £249,998

This project is aiming to understanding how the cells that make up the blood vessels in the macula may become damaged in early age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Following this, the goal is to find drug targets that can maintain blood vessel health to prevent or slow AMD progression.

Using Artificial Intelligence to predict AMD progression

Pearse Keane, UCL and Moorfields Eye Hospital - £126,462

This project aims to use the power of computers and artificial intelligence to better understand age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Using eye scans from patients with wet and dry AMD the researchers want to better understand why and how AMD develops and what causes the progression from dry AMD to wet AMD.

Switching off the genes that cause Best disease

Dr Amanda-Jayne Carr, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology - £170,000

Best disease is caused by a faulty gene, and leads to permanent sight loss. This research aims to switch off that gene to stop the progression of the disease, and the sight loss it causes.

An implantable eye lens for macular disease

Dr Giuliana Silvestri, Royal Hospitals, Belfast - £154,706

A clinical trial into how well magnifying intraocular lens implants work for those with vision loss due to macular disease. If successful, this may pave the way for further use, including on the NHS.

Creating a blood test to detect early AMD

Prof Majlinda Lako, Newcastle University - £199,882

Research led by Professor Lako at Newcastle University has previously shown that there is an increased level of a protein in retinal cells at the back of the eye, in patients with age-related macular disease (AMD). This work, also funded by the Macular Society is being expanded to better understand this protein’s role in AMD.

How do ageing mitochondria work and communicate differently?

Prof Luminita Paraoan, University of Liverpool - £220,670

Mitochondria are vital parts of every cell. They create the energy that cells need to survive and carry out tasks. The important layer of cells in the back of the eye called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) requires a large amount of energy, so the mitochondria can get stressed. Over time and with age these mitochondria get damaged, and we see higher amounts of damage in patients with AMD. This work aims to understand what happens to these mitochondria when they age and get damaged, how we could slow or stop this damage and whether that could slow or stop the progression of AMD.

A virtual visually impaired rehabilitation assistant

Prof Chris Dickinson, University of Manchester - £81,449

Many people with sight loss or macular disease require extra support from eye clinics, charities and low vision services. However, often those who need it most are not aware of the resources available. Professor Dickinson at University of Manchester is looking to create a chat-bot assistant to help answer these questions and sign post patients to useful resources.

Investigating early onset macular degeneration

Prof Graeme Black, University of Manchester - £164,042

Creating eye cell models from patients with early onset macular degeneration to better understand causes and possible treatments for both early onset macular disease (EOMD) and age-related macular disease (AMD).

New treatment option for wet AMD

Dr James Whiteford Queen Mary, University of London - £148,991

Wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can lead to rapid sight loss. We currently have treatments, which work well for most people. However, for some people the current treatments available don’t work. This project looks at a different way to treat wet AMD, which could help them.

Turning off faulty genes to treat macular dystrophy

Dr Jacqueline van der Spuy, University College London - £200,000

There are very few treatments available for macular dystrophies, which are caused by faulty genes. One macular dystrophy is Doyne honeycomb dystrophy, which causes central vision loss in adults. Research at University College London aims to use gene therapy to treat Doyne honeycomb dystrophy patients.