
New research could lead to a treatment for both wet and dry AMD

Latest news, posted 17 May 2022

Scientists at The University of Manchester have identified those who are at risk of developing AMD, based on their genes, and discovered underlying changes in the tissue of these otherwise healthy individuals.

Eye health experts to review research priorities

Latest news, posted 17 May 2022

Eye experts across the UK are calling for input to refresh research priorities for patients, relatives, carers and eye health professionals.

New treatment approved for wet AMD and diabetic macular oedema

Latest news, posted 24 May 2022

A new treatment for wet AMD and diabetic macular oedema Faricimab has been approved for use on the NHS in England.

Volunteers’ Week 2022: ‘If we met we’d be best friends’

Latest news, posted 1 June 2022

For Pauline, volunteering is about ‘building people up’, ‘friendship’ and 'helping others see the positives' after a diagnosis of macular disease.

'We want to help in any way we can'

Latest news, posted 7 June 2022

A family of a mum living with macular disease are showing that distance is no object when it comes to supporting someone with sight loss.

Online training tool helps make best use of remaining vision

Latest news, posted 8 June 2022

A new online training tool has been launched to help people with macular disease continue to read and see the faces of their loved ones, by teaching them to use their remaining vision.

Calls for Scottish politicians to take action to improve eye care services

Latest news, posted 8 June 2022

Parliamentarians from across the political spectrum in Scotland have been called upon to take action to improve eye care services for patients with deteriorating eye conditions in the country.

Conference returns to bring you close to the experts

Latest news, posted 10 June 2022

Stem cell research, using artificial intelligence to diagnose age-related macular degeneration and new treatments on the horizon, will be just a few of the topics covered at this year’s free annual conference.

New drug for Stargardt could reach patients faster

Latest news, posted 17 June 2022

A new drug to treat Stargardt disease has been granted a fast-track review by the Food and Drug Administration in the US, to help make it available to patients quicker.

“I felt like I lost my identity overnight. But I’m still Marcia, she’s still in there.”

Latest news, posted 20 June 2022

I’ve always been extremely short-sighted, and worn glasses my entire life – my eyesight was normal with my glasses on.