Being diagnosed with macular disease doesn’t mean you must give up working – far from it. You can continue to make a valuable contribution in the workplace. Understand your legal rights and the range of support that’s out there for you.

Smart man talking on phone

Access to Work scheme

Access to Work (ATW) scheme supports people with disabilities and long-term conditions in the work place. ATW gives a discretionary award to support disabled employees with specialist equipment, support workers and travel.

Office workers at laptop

Employment rights

Macular disease should not be a barrier to employment. With a few changes to how you work, and by being open with your employer, you should be able to continue working.

Lady on laptop with papers in hand

Looking for work

Looking for work can be hard, and even more so when you have macular disease. It is difficult to know where to start and what kind of work to look for.

Group around table smiling with tablets

Volunteering and job seeking

If you are looking for work or trying to get yourself back into the job market volunteering might be a way of making you stand out from the crowd or updating your skills.

Mother and son smiling at each other

Work Capability Assessment (WCA)

If you are claiming a benefit because you are unable to work through ill health or disability you will be required to complete the Work Capability Assessment (WCA).

Mother and son playing and smiling

Help with benefits

Depending on your circumstances, you may be entitled to financial support from the government. Welfare benefits are available to help those living with macular disease, and their families, with extra costs.

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