Eccentric Viewing online training
If you are interested in learning eccentric viewing techniques, our online training is a great place to get started. It will guide you in finding and using your best point of vision through practice exercises and helpful hints and tips.
The training works best if completed in order, giving yourself a few days between each practice session. Navigating through the content is simple. You can click or tap on the three bars at the top left of the screen to bring up the main menu and use the arrows at the bottom of the screen or swipe to continue through each session.
Please take a moment to fill out the form below, once completed, you will be directed to the eccentric viewing e-learning.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail from us containing a link to the e-learning, allowing you to revisit directly and continue wherever you left off.
We are very grateful for the support we have received from Thomas Pocklington Trust to help develop this training programme.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact or call 01264 326 622 for support.
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Please note if you have already registered above you can use the link in your email to access the e-learning, you don't need to complete this form again.