There may be times when you need extra support to help you understand or cope with your sight loss. We offer a variety of services to help you keep your independence and to ensure you never feel alone.

staff member on phone smiling

Macular Society Helpline

Free information and support to those with macular disease, along with their family and friends, to help people retain their independence.

Befrienders talking to each other on phone

Telephone befriending

If you feel isolated, our telephone befrienders can provide a regular friendly phone call. You can talk about living with macular disease, or not - the conversation is guided by you.

Man on phone counselling

Telephone counselling

Are you dealing with the emotional challenges of macular disease? It can help to speak to a professional counsellor, who is trained to listen and to talk through your feelings and help you find ways of dealing with them.

Man mentoring boy on park bench


The Macular Society provides mentors who can support people through their own personal experiences of macular disease.

Middle aged woman on phone smiling

Treatment buddies

We can put you in touch with someone who’s had treatment for macular disease, to answer your questions and put your mind at rest.

Icon representing Membership

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From practical tips for dealing with sight loss to the latest research into treatments and a cure; we’re here to help you Beat Macular Disease.

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