New guidance sets minimum standards of care for AMD patients
Posted: Monday 02 August 2021
New guidance has been issued for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) services across the UK, to set minimum standards and ensure all patients receive the same level of care.
It been developed by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, with input from the Macular Society and highlights the need to ensure a patient-focused approach is taken when designing future services, especially as new ways of delivering care such as virtual eye clinics are considered.
The guidance emphasises the importance of signposting to services outside of the eye clinic including support offered by the Society and other charitable organisations.
One of the recommendations made to eye care providers is that all patients with visual impairments are made aware of Charles Bonnet Syndrome, upon diagnosis.
Charles Bonnet Syndrome causes visual hallucinations and is thought to affect more than half of all people with macular disease. Knowing about the condition before experiencing symptoms can help reduce unnecessary fear and anxiety experienced by patients who go on to develop the condition.
Sobha Sivaprasad, chair of the Commissioning Guidance Development Group, and Macular Society trustee, welcomed the new guidance. She said “This guidance will be of practical use for commissioners and providers of health and social care services, as well as users of AMD services. The demand for AMD services has already affected the capacity of several ophthalmology departments and is projected to rise as the ageing population increases.”
To find out more about the guidance and how it will affect you, join Sohba Sivaprasad at our Virtual Clinic on Tuesday 17 August at 7pm.