What the latest Government announcement means for our services
Posted: Tuesday 06 July 2021
We have listened carefully to the information for England that was issued by the Government yesterday (5 July) and understand that the guidance will be confirmed on the 12 July, if supported by the data, and that it will come into effect from the 19 July.
Over the next two weeks we will discuss the issues with our volunteers, service users, staff and trustees. We will take into consideration the view from Government that, from now on, the onus is on us as individuals and individual organisations, to use our own judgement as to what is safe and right for our circumstances.
For the next two weeks, our policies remain the same:
- Our staff should work from home unless there are good reasons for them to be in the office.
- We advise our groups not to meet and our regional staff will not travel to groups.
- All volunteer activity to continue to take place remotely.
- Our existing safety measures in the office will remain in place.
We will issue a further update after the Government announcements on the 12 July, including any updates from Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. However, as noted above, we will be consulting widely as we come to our conclusions.
As always, we continue to support all of our volunteers, service users, staff and trustees as best we can. If you have any concerns about the above measures, please do contact us for further information or advice on 0300 3030 111.