World Geographic Atrophy Day raises awareness of common condition

Posted: Tuesday 05 December 2023
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The first-ever World Geographic Atrophy Day today to raise awareness of the condition and the five million people living with it across the globe.

Geographic atrophy (GA) is the dry, advanced form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) but despite the many people affected, many people are not familiar with its medical term.

World Geographic Atrophy Day has launched in partnership with the Macular Society and BrightFocus Foundation, Fighting Blindness Canada, and Prevent Blindness and is supported with funding from Apellis Pharmaceuticals.

Studies suggest that GA could be responsible for up to 20% of cases of legal blindness. Research predicts there could be more than 18 million cases of GA worldwide by 2040.

Much like any form of macular disease, GA impacts patients’ quality of life by potentially disrupting their ability to read, drive, and recognise faces. This can result in challenges related to self-confidence, independence, and overall well-being.

Do you have Geographic Atrophy? 

Find out more about what it is and its symptoms. 

Find out more about World GA Day

Diagram Of Atrophy Spreading

What is geographic atrophy?

Geographic atrophy (GA) is the scientific term for late stage dry aged-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is called geographic atrophy, as the damage to the macula tends to start as patches of damage (or atrophy) that look like islands on a map when a doctor looks at the back of the eye.

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We provide free information and support to those with macular disease, along with their family and friends, to help people keep their independence.