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"How I overcame my fear of needles after my diagnosis"
Posted: Saturday 1 October 2022
With a lifelong fear of needles, 72-year-old Dave was understandably anxious and scared when he was diagnosed with wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and told he needed regular injections in his eye.
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Drug shows potential to slow down dry AMD progression
Posted: Thursday 29 September 2022
A new drug being trialled in patients with dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has been shown to reduce the rate of progression of the disease in its late stages.
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Cataract surgery and macular degeneration – your questions answered
Posted: Wednesday 28 September 2022
Does cataract surgery make macular degeneration worse? Consultant ophthalmologist and ophthalmic surgeon professor Gary Misson answers this question and more.
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Inspiring talks give hope for the future
Posted: Tuesday 27 September 2022
Highlights from our annual conference are now available to watch online, with inspiring talks from world-renowned experts in macular disease.
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Gene therapy trial tests injection lasting three years
Posted: Friday 23 September 2022
A new clinical trial is underway to test a gene therapy which could treat wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), with an eye injection lasting up to three years.
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Charity runner completes 874-mile Land's End to John O'Groats challenge
Posted: Friday 16 September 2022
A runner has spoken of her “immense gratitude” after completing the 874-mile Land’s End to John O’Groats challenge, from home.
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Macular Society President and Queen's former ophthalmologist leads tributes
Posted: Friday 9 September 2022
The president and founding member of the Macular Society has led the charity’s tributes to Her Majesty The Queen after serving her and the Royal Household as ophthalmologist for 21 years.
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Sight loss 'brushed to one side' at work before counselling
Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2022
A new employment counselling group provided a nursery worker with the confidence to take control of her macular condition at work after initially describing her ‘put up and shut up’ attitude.
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New Best disease online support group launches
Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2022
People living with Best disease will be the latest to benefit from a new condition-specific support group launching later this month.
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Faricimab - all you need to know about the new treatment for wet AMD and DMO
Posted: Tuesday 30 August 2022
"There's a long way to go but I'm more optimistic. I was thinking of retiring a few years ago, now I'm so excited about the treatments we can offer patients I'll probably stay another few years."
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Help needed to test home-monitoring app
Posted: Friday 12 August 2022
A digital health company which has developed a new app to enable people with macular disease to monitor their vision from home is looking for volunteers.
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Thousands of patients with diabetes-related sight loss given access to new treatment
Posted: Thursday 11 August 2022
Thousands of patients with diabetic macular oedema (DMO) could benefit from a steroid treatment, which has previously only been available to those who have received cataract surgery.
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