Only research can give us the answers

Posted: Tuesday 3 December 2019

A lot has changed over the last 20 years for people with macular disease.

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A cure can't wait any longer

Posted: Monday 25 November 2019

"I knew it wasn’t going to be good news when the consultant shook his head and said: 'You know, I really hate my job sometimes.'

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AMD could affect 10m more people in Europe by 2050

Posted: Tuesday 12 November 2019

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) could affect 10 million more people in Europe by 2050, according to a new study.

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"I think it's fabulous what progress is being sounds like a much better picture for people for the future"

Posted: Thursday 7 November 2019

The daughter of comedy writer and TV presenter, Denis Norden, has become a Patron of the Macular Society in memory of her late father.Maggie Norden, who is a broadcaster and journalist, said the Society was a great source of information and support to he…

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“I feel like there’s a lot I can pass on from my own experiences”

Posted: Friday 1 November 2019

Today marks the start of Befriending Week, a chance to highlight the important work our telephone befrienders do to help people to rebuild their confidence and maintain their independence.

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Lack of awareness and treatment delays put people at risk of avoidable sight loss

Posted: Wednesday 30 October 2019

Healthcare professionals and the general public still lack awareness of the most common form of macular disease, a new study of Macular Society members has found.The study, published this week in BMJ Open Ophthalmology, highlighted delays in diagnosing p…

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Positive results from phase one gene therapy trial for wet AMD

Posted: Tuesday 22 October 2019

A new study is testing a gene therapy for people with wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD).The OPTIC study has recently announced positive results from its phase one clinical trial.Phase one clinical trials test the gene treatment, called ADVM-022,…

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Services in Northern Ireland to expand thanks to £400,000 lottery grant

Posted: Wednesday 16 October 2019

We are set to significantly expand our services in Northern Ireland thanks to a £400,000 grant from the National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland.The grant funding will enable us to provide a range of accessible services for people with central vi…

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Sight is the most valuable sense, according to UK adults

Posted: Friday 11 October 2019

New research by City, University of London has highlighted how much people value their vision over other senses.A survey involving 250 people found that respondents ranked sight as the most valuable sense, followed by hearing, balance, touch, taste, smel…

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"A vision loss diagnosis isn’t easy, but with good support and someone to talk to, our mental health doesn’t have to suffer"

Posted: Wednesday 9 October 2019

Blogger, Katie Berrill, was diagnosed with Stargardt disease two years ago.

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What is your experience of hospital eye care services?

Posted: Thursday 3 October 2019

Patients are being encouraged to share their recent experiences of hospital eye services in order to streamline services and enable more timely treatment.

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We need your votes!

Posted: Tuesday 1 October 2019

We're delighted to announce that we are finalists in the category of Charity of the Year in the AOP Awards 2020, run by the Association of Optometrists (AOP).We entered the awards after recently launching a new five-year strategy and committing to becomi…

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