Harlow group smiling and talking

What the latest Government announcement means for our services

Posted: Tuesday 6 July 2021

We have listened carefully to the information for England that was issued by the Government yesterday (5 July). But, what does this mean for our volunteers, service users, staff and trustees?

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waiting room

Waiting times reduced for AMD patients facing six-month treatment delays

Posted: Thursday 1 July 2021

Measures have been put in place in a hospital in Northern Ireland to reduce waiting times after AMD patients were waiting up to six months for treatment.

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Suzanne smiling

Macular disease and managing your wellbeing

Posted: Wednesday 30 June 2021

As more restrictions lift across the UK many people are feeling more anxious about a return to normality. How can you manage your wellbeing?

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doctor consultation

Lack of information and support for sight loss due to diabetes

Posted: Wednesday 30 June 2021

Patients with diabetes-related sight loss are being left anxious and uncertain about their future as they are given very little information about their condition, or the support available.

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Kim Jaye with a plate of masala chops

“I personally think being visually impaired when you’re cooking is much better than being sighted”

Posted: Thursday 24 June 2021

Visually impaired chef Kim Jaye will join us next week for a one-off webinar to share her passion for cooking and cook a dish that’s great for eye health.

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Gene double helix

New webinar series on sight loss and genomic research

Posted: Monday 21 June 2021

A new webinar series highlighting the latest scientific developments and the future of research will be launched next week.

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Nic Spearman headshot

"You don’t know what it’s like until it happens to you”

Posted: Monday 21 June 2021

"My initial diagnosis was a mess. I had an awful experience with the hospital, lots of tests and conflicting advice, and nobody even came back to me to tell me what was wrong."

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Annual conference, woman on laptop

Annual conference will focus on hope for the future

Posted: Wednesday 16 June 2021

Registration is now open for our 2021 annual conference, where researchers and consultants will join us to highlight why there is real hope for the future.

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Summer Sideview front cover 2001

Summer Sideview out now

Posted: Friday 11 June 2021

The next issue of Sideview, the Macular Society’s quarterly members magazine is out now.

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Couple on tablet

Webinar to focus on punctate inner choroidopathy

Posted: Thursday 3 June 2021

Punctate inner choroidopathy (PIC) will be the subject of the Society’s next condition-specific webinar.

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Sheila, volunteer, connect by tech

Support with technology has been a lifeline during lockdown

Posted: Thursday 3 June 2021

When Sheila retired as a training consultant for a software company four years ago, she wanted to spend her spare time volunteering.

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Hageman smiling

Macular Society Virtual Clinic welcomes world-leading AMD expert

Posted: Wednesday 2 June 2021

We’re excited to announce that Gregory Hageman, a world-leading professor of ophthalmology, will be joining us as a special guest at this month’s Virtual Clinic.

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