Matilda smiling with pink teddy

Matilda's story

We keep thinking she’s only seven, so maybe something will come up in her lifetime, say Matilda's parents.

Kelly Ephgrave looking distance

Two of my three sons have been diagnosed now too

Kelly Ephgrave was diagnosed when she was eight years old. "My mum has it and my grandma had it as well. I started struggling with my central vision about four years ago. Everyday things became more and more difficult, like cooking and making tea."

kate Healings looking into camera

Kate's story

Macular disease. Nobody had heard of it at all 20 years ago. And there is still no cure today.

Katie Berrill outside

Katie's story

At the age of 31 Katie Berrill never had any reason to think there was anything wrong with her vision.

Kristy Garton smiling

Kristy's story

When Kristy Garton returned from holiday and noticed a “raindrop” effect in her vision, she initially put it down to tiredness. But her symptoms persisted and when she visited her local A&E, they noticed she had lost quite a lot of her central vision.

Sue Harrod smiling

Sue's story

Sue Harrod was born with high myopia and congenital cataracts and had corneal ulceration in both eyes at the age of two.

Gillian Ferguson smiling

Gillian's story

Gillian Ferguson joined the Edinburgh Morningside Macular Support Group last year after being diagnosed with dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Anna Fletcher smiling

Anna's story

Employment lawyer Anna Fletcher called the Society’s Helpline when, after seven years of experiencing symptoms, she was diagnosed with punctate inner choroidopathy (PIC).

Elaine Orwin smiling

Elaine's story

Elaine is the group leader of the Bangor Support Group in Northern Ireland and also a volunteer speaker. Elaine was diagnosed with juvenile macular dystrophy at the age of four.

Malcolm Johnson smiling

Malcolm's story

When Malcolm Johnson noticed a change in his vision, he went straight to his out of hours GP service. However, they insisted they could not find anything wrong with his sight.

Jean Bowskill smiling

Jean's story

Jean Bowskill has experienced first-hand how the Macular Society’s telephone counselling service can have a positive impact following a diagnosis of macular disease.

Rita March smiling

Rita's story

Two months after her diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) Rita March found out about the Macular Society through a friend.