Wording for a gift in your Will
Thank you so much for thinking of including the Macular Society in your Will. Your gift will help increase our investment in ground-breaking research into macular disease and ensure no one has to face this devastating condition alone.
All you really need to include the Macular Society in your Will are our name, address and registered charity numbers. These are:
Macular Society
Crown Chambers
South Steet
Hampshire SP10 2BN
Our registered charity numbers are:
1001198 in England and Wales
SC042015 in Scotland
Your solicitor or other professional adviser will add the rest of the wording for you; however we have attached some suggested wording below should you need it.
Suggested wording for a gift to the Macular Society
To leave a simple cash donation:
"I give to the Macular Society, Registered Charity Number 1001198 (SC042015 in Scotland), Crown Chambers, South Street, Andover, Hants SP10 2BN the sum of £ …... [amount in figures and words] and I express the wish (but without imposing any binding obligation) that the money be used for the general purposes of the Macular Society.
The receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Macular Society shall be a good discharge to my trustees for the gift."
To leave a share in your residuary estate
(e.g. if you want to split the remainder of your estate between two or more charities or a mix of charities and individuals. To do this, you split your residual estate into equal parts, then decide how many of those parts each recipient should receive).
"I give all the residue of my estate (out of which shall be paid my funeral and testamentary expenses and my debts) to my trustees ON TRUST to divide it or treat it as being divided into [number] shares of equal value and shall hold them ON TRUST absolutely
i) as to [number] such equal shares for the Macular Society, Registered Charity Number 1001198 (SC042015 in Scotland), Crown Chambers, South Street, Andover, Hants SP10 2BN and I express the wish (but without imposing any binding obligation) that the money be used for the general purposes of the Macular Society.
ii) as to [number] such equal shares [specify other beneficiary]. (This wording is repeated for each new beneficiary).
I declare that if the share in the residue of my estate of any beneficiary names above does not qualify for exemption from inheritance tax, that share shall bear its own inheritance tax so that the amount received by each beneficiary named in that clause before the payment of inheritance tax is the same.
The receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of any charitable body to which any gift is made (or under provision of) this Will shall be a good discharge to my trustees for the gift."
How we'll spend your gift
We will spend your gift on vital support services to help people living with macular disease all over the UK, as well as on ground breaking research to find an eventual cure.
You may wish your gift to be spent specifically on research, or to be shared with our local support services.
If so, please express this preference as a "wish" in your Will, using the recommended wording above and changing the words "for the general purposes of the Macular Society" to [for example] "research into macular disease".
Please rest assured that we will respect your wishes whenever we can. Do get in touch with us if you have a question about how we will use your gift.
It's also worth discussing your intentions with close family if you can, so that they understand and respect your wishes. It's also useful to tell your solicitor why you wish to support your chosen charities.
Not making a new Will?
We also have a Codicil Form available to download if you already have a Will and simply want to add a cash gift to it without changing the rest.
The information contained on our website relating to Wills, estate planning, inheritance tax and similar matters is outline information of a general nature only. The Macular Society cannot and does not provide financial or legal advice as such, for which you should consult a solicitor or accountant before making a will or planning your financial affairs.