Every month we host two webinars to bring you closer to the experts. We are joined by experts in macular disease who discuss the latest in treatments and research and answer your questions.

Register for our monthly webinars

The first of our monthly webinars takes place on the third Tuesday of every month at 7pm, with a focus on topics for patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

The second webinar is uploaded directly to our YouTube channel on the last Thursday of every month, and focuses more specifically on inherited macular conditions as well as issues affecting anyone of working age.

Please share any questions you would like our guests to address in our upcoming webinars. Send them to mymacularandme@macularsociety.org.


We will see you in October...

We will be taking a break from our monthly webinar in September to focus on our online conference but we will resume our webinar programme in October. More information will be added to the website closer to the time. 

Latest research into Sorsby's fundus dystrophy

Join us for our second My Macular and Me webinar of the month featuring Professor Linda Troeberg from the University of East Anglia. She will be discussing research updates on the Macular Society research project looking into the development of treatments for Sorsby's fundus dystrophy, an inherited juvenile macular dystrophy.

To discover more about future treatment possibilities, watch our webinar below.