Interested in the research we are funding with your generous donations?

In this section we explain our approach to beating macular disease through funding medical research. We also explain how research can improve the lives of people living with macular disease.

Researcher using beaker

How we’re finding a cure

An overview of the research strategy and the impact our funding has had so far.

Oduor Poullette beaker

How we're improving life through research

As well as medical research, the Macular Society funds research to help those living with macular disease now. For example, projects on the eccentric viewing technique have helped the Society to train and support those with macular disease to use their remaining vision most effectively.

Professor Luminita Paraoan and her team, University of Liverpool

Our research projects

Since 1987 the Macular Society has invested around £10 million in over 100 research projects.

MDevReader in use on tablet

Our achievements so far

The impact research funded by the Macular Society has had over the last 30+ years.

Medical research working together on a computer

Our research policies

These policies aim to ensure the best quality research is funded, and to support the research and patient communities, to drive forward positive change.

Three charity logos

Action Against Age-related macular degeneration (AAA)

INSIGHT is UK’s national health research data hub using ophthalmology data to speed up research for new medicines and treatments, including macular diseases.