There are regular opportunities for people living with macular disease to participate in research studies. The purpose of these studies is to understand more about the impact macular disease has on individuals, and on their family and friends. It can be anything from completing short surveys to taking part in focus groups or interviews. We also carry out our own surveys.

Below, you’ll find information on the research studies currently looking for participants. If you would like to volunteer for any of the studies listed, please register your interest with the contact provided.

Surveys should all be compatible with screen readers.

Research opportunities

Patients’ evaluation of eye healthcare

Dr. Lee Jones and Professor Mariya Moosajee at University College London are conducting a survey aimed at understanding public attitudes towards eye care and experiences with eye health services.

Understanding these perspectives is vital for improving public health outcomes and enhancing healthcare quality. The survey aims to gather insights into individual needs and preferences, while also identifying areas of inequality.

The survey is open to anyone aged 18 and over with a sight loss condition. Participation involves completing an online questionnaire, which takes approximately 20-30 minutes. Participants will also have the chance to enter a prize draw for a £50 retail voucher, with one winner selected for every 50 respondents.

Take part in the patients' evaluation of eye healthcare survey

Understanding the experience of those receiving eye injections for macular disease

The Macular Society is conducting a survey to explore the experiences of individuals who receive, or have received in the past five years, anti-VEGF injections. These injections are administered to people with conditions such as wet age-related macular degeneration, diabetic macular oedema, and other macular diseases.

The aim of the survey is to better understand how treatments are administered and patients' experiences regarding any changes to their treatment.

Take part in the anti-VEGF injections survey

How well is your eye clinic doing?

The Macular Society is working with the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) to help inform and design the age-related macular degeneration (AMD) audit pages on the National Ophthalmology Database (NOD) website. This survey follows up on a previous one, which aimed to identify the factors patients want to know about their eye clinic’s performance. The responses from the survey influenced the data collected by the NOD audit.

This new survey focuses on developing a patient-centered website that will allow individuals with wet AMD to see how well their eye clinic is performing. We're seeking input on the specific factors patients would like to see on this website and how they prefer this information to be presented. The results will guide the design and content of the patient website.

Take part in the patient website survey

Exploring the links between AMD and nutrition

This survey aims to gather data on the dietary habits of individuals diagnosed with macular disease.

Research has shown that proper nutrition can improve macular health and reduce the risk of AMD. This survey is intended for individuals with macular disease who are 18 years of age or older. It consists of four sections and should take no more than 15 to 20 minutes to complete

Thank you for your time and everything you do to Beat Macular Disease.

If you have any questions relating to this survey please contact Guillermo Romero at 

Take part in the nutrition survey

Research study to assess techniques that may help reduce visual hallucinations

Do you have visual hallucinations and have been diagnosed with an eye disease?

Royal Holloway University are running a research study to assess techniques that may help reduce your visual hallucinations.

If you are interested in taking part or want more information, please contact the research team on

Eligibility criteria:

  • 18 years or over
  • From the UK
  • No neurological or cognitive impairments
  • Loss of vision from any cause with visual hallucinations

Investigating the accessibility of technology to manage diabetes in people with sight loss

Swansea University Medical School are conducting research on the accessibility of technology to manage diabetes in people with sight loss. They would like to ask people with diabetes and some degree of sight loss about their perspective on the subject, asking in particular if they have experienced any difficulties in using or accessing these sort of technologies. 

The key aims of the study are to:

  • To understand the valuable perspectives of people with diabetes and sight loss about the accessibility of technology for diabetes management
  • To try and identify any barriers that may prevent people with sight loss using technology to manage their diabetes

The research has been approved by the Swansea University Medical School Research Ethics Committee.

If you would like to take part in this research, it will take approximately 15 minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire. You may skip questions, or stop the questionnaire at any time.

Take part in the technology accessibility study

Barriers faced by blind and partially sighted people when looking to participate in sport and physical activity

It is known that people with sight loss do not participate regularly in physical activity programs and that this is especially the case for people from ethnic minorities. This study, by a team from Anglia Ruskin University, aims to discover the reasons for this and to inform the design of physical activity programs that will be specifically for people from different backgrounds.

Participation will involve being interviewed either face to face or via a video call. You will be asked for your opinion on provision of different types of physical activity aimed at people with sight loss and how to improve its appeal. You will also be asked about the barriers for you in doing different types of physical activities. The interview will last between 30 and 45 minutes and you will receive a £10 Amazon voucher in recognition of your time.

To get involved please email Professor Peter Allen on

Looking into the experiences of unpaid carers for people with vision impairments and of the people they support in Wales

A research team at Swansea University has been commissioned by Wales Council of the Blind to investigate the needs of carers for visually impaired people. They are looking to establish how the workload of carers for VI people differs from those caring for other people and how this work facilitates independence.

The project needs to interview people with vision impairments and their unpaid carers and would welcome contact from pairs who would be willing to take part. If you are VI, aged between 25 and 75 and living in Wales the input of you and your carer would be most valued. Interviews will be about 30 minutes long and can be on-line, by phone or the researcher could come to your home area.

If you are interested in being involved in this research project, please call WCB on 029-20-473-954

If your organisation would like to promote a survey on this page please contact

Other ways you can get involved in research

DNA strands

Taking part in clinical research

Information on clinical trials and how to volunteer to take part in research on new treatments for macular disease.

patients in waiting room

Research participant database

Sign up for the Macular Society's research database to participate in studies by providing feedback on new developments, or undergoing treatment as part of a clinical trial. Our research participant database is for anyone based in the UK with macular disease, as well as healthy friends, family or volunteers.