
Pocklington Macular Society Support Group

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Tywyn Macular Society Support Group

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Wollaton Support Group

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About our support groups

Would you like support from a group of like-minded people?

Peer support groups 

We currently have a mixture of groups meeting face to face and/or via our telephone conference calling system. Either way its a wonderful way for people affected by macular disease to make friends and grow in confidence.

Macular Society Support Group agreement 2023

About our support groups

Thank you so much for setting up a Macular Society Support Group. We know that the only way to Beat Macular Disease is together. Whilst we fund research to ultimately find a cure, our groups are a vital way to provide social and peer support to people affected by macular disease, their families and carers.

Macular Society Support Group Terms of Reference (for virtual groups and other informal groups)

About our support groups

The Macular Society aims are to Beat Macular Disease by finding a cure and offering the best advice and support to people affected by macular disease. Our groups provide valuable social and peer support to people affected by macular disease, their families and carers.

Make a referral for peer support

About our support groups

We add the details you give us to our database and use them to provide the service or communications you have requested. We process and analyse your data to send you relevant information. We will never sell your data or share it with anyone not directly working on our behalf. For more information, see our privacy policy.

Peer support group leader contact form

About our support groups

Your role as group leader is very important in helping people who have macular conditions. From time to time others will ask us for your contact details so they can contact your group. We want to share your contact details only as you would like us to. Please complete the form below to let us know how you are happy for us to share your details.

Macular Society Support Group 2022 End of Year Financial Return

About our support groups