
Volunteering and job seeking


If you are looking for work or trying to get yourself back into the job market volunteering may be a way of making you stand out from the crowd or updating your skills. This page explores how volunteering can support your job-seeking activities.

Around the home

Practical tips and advice

Losing your central vision can make daily life more challenging. Feel more independent in your home with our practical guides to everyday activities such as preparing meals, personal care, using technology and more.


Around the home

There is a lot of enjoyment to be had from gardening, and macular disease needn’t get in the way. Whether you have a couple of pots or a huge plot, there’s no doubt that gardening is good for body, mind and soul.

Daily living skills

Around the home

Advice, hints and tips on managing daily life with macular disease. Many of these tips are from our members – they are the experts on living with macular disease.

Reading and writing (accessing text)

Around the home

It becomes more difficult to read and write when you have macular disease. Here are some hints and tips to help you continue to read and write with central vision loss.

Food and drink

Around the home

When you have macular disease, preparing and cooking food can seem a little daunting. However, with a few considerations and simple changes you can continue cooking and preparing food.

Looking after yourself

Around the home

Looking after yourself when you have macular disease can be very challenging. Here are some simple tips that might help overcome some of those challenges.


Around the home

At home

Good lighting at home is important, particularly if you have poor vision. Light becomes more important for all of us as we age. By the age of 60 we need three times more light than in our twenties.

Using technology

Around the home

Technology is becoming an essential part of day-to-day life for people with low vision.

Out and about

Practical tips and advice

Trips to the shops, days out and even holidays abroad need not be a thing of the past if you've been diagnosed with macular disease. Live confidently with our practical guides to getting out and about, from traveling and transport to eating out and shopping.