
Farnborough Wayp Macular Society Support Group

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Thank you for giving to the Macular Society in memory of someone special. There are many ways to donate, so please choose the one that suits you. If you need assistance, or can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help. 



Your kind donation will help fund research to find a cure for macular disease and support people living with it today. You can give regularly, make a single gift, or give in memory of someone special.

Your questions answered

Why include us in your Will

“How does UK research compare to research going on elsewhere; in Japan, China or the US - for example?”

Although we may not fund as much research as other countries, the quality of our research is unbeatable. Some of the most significant research projects on macular disease are happening right here in the UK. An example of that would be the clinical trial being run by Professor Andrew Lotery from University of Southampton, which is using eye scans of people with early AMD to learn more about the progression of the disease to late AMD and sight loss. Researchers have said this is the most important trial in AMD anywhere in the world. There’s lots of research going on in China, Japan and the US, all of whom have big problems with macular disease, but the work in the UK compares favourably with those countries and is regarded as world-leading.

Report reveals burden of treatment for patients with wet AMD

Research features

In 2020, the Macular Society surveyed its members and supporters with wet AMD to understand their views of living with wet AMD and receiving treatment for their condition.

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