
Research news


The latest developments in the search for better treatments and a cure for macular disease.

Research features


The truth behind the headlines on sight loss, “cures” for blindness and research breakthroughs.

Does aspirin increase risk of AMD?

Research features

This is something we frequently get asked following reports that claim there is a link between taking aspirin and the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Often these claims come from research where patients are studied and followed up for many years. Researchers monitor patients’ lifestyle and whether these patients later develop AMD. From this, they try to make connections between lifestyle or medications and the risk of developing AMD.

Creating a ‘virtual eye’ with mathematical modelling

Research features

Mathematics can be used to model or represent how the real world works. Mathematicians have already worked to create virtual hearts and lungs. A group of mathematicians, clinicians, engineers and biologists are now coming together to start looking at creating a model for the eye. They hope this model could describe the functioning of the eye and help us understand what goes wrong in disease.

Report finds lack of support for sight loss due to diabetes

Research features

Patients with diabetes-related sight loss are being left anxious and uncertain about their future as they are given very little information about their condition, or the support available. 


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