
Global summit to address epidemic of age-related macular degeneration

Latest news, posted 31 May 2017

Three leading sight loss charities, Blind Veterans UK, Fight for Sight and the Macular Society, have joined forces in the global fight against age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Spread the word that smoking causes sight loss

Latest news, posted 2 June 2017

According to the Macular Society smoking is the biggest ‘modifiable’ risk factor when it comes to AMD and smokers are up to four times more likely to develop the condition.

Peter Sallis OBE 1921-2017

Latest news, posted 7 June 2017

The Society is very saddened to hear of the death of Peter Sallis, one of our much-loved patrons.

Help central serous retinopathy research

Latest news, posted 14 June 2017

A National Institute of Health Research funded study is looking at whether a tablet usually used in patients with heart problems could also be effective in central serous retinopathy (CSR).

“I thought I wouldn’t see my beautiful baby grow up”

Latest news, posted 6 July 2017

Rebecca McColgan was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of eight and, although she always knew that it could damage her eyes if not managed well, she didn’t take the warnings seriously until she became pregnant.She says, “I spent quite a few years…

Have you experienced visual hallucinations?

Latest news, posted 6 July 2017

We’re launching a campaign later this year to help raise awareness of visual hallucinations, known as Charles Bonnet Syndrome, and encourage people to talk more about their experiences.

New app uses artificial intelligence

Latest news, posted 13 July 2017

A new app designed by Microsoft is helping blind people see the world around them.

NICE AMD Clinical Guidelines

Latest news, posted 13 July 2017

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has published a draft Clinical Guideline on the diagnosis and management of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) The Society will be submitting comments on the guidance, but this does not prevent me…

NHS consulting on plans to scrap £1.5m spend on lutein supplements

Latest news, posted 24 July 2017

The NHS is consulting on plans to scrap £1.5m annual spend on lutein supplements, which can be used to slow down the progress of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in some people.

Inquiry called to prevent avoidable sight loss

Latest news, posted 1 August 2017

An inquiry has been called by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Eye Health and Visual Impairment into capacity problems in NHS eye care services and avoidable sight loss in England.The APPG on Eye Health and Visual Impairment is very concerned …