
Open day to highlight importance of clinical trials

Latest news, posted 8 May 2018

Moorfields Eye Hospital is holding its annual open day to give the public a chance to find out more about the science and research that lies behind eye treatments.

Google to launch new Android app

Latest news, posted 10 May 2018

Google has announced it is developing an app it hopes will help blind and visually impaired people become more independent.The web giant said it is working on an Android app called Lookout, which gives users auditory cues as they encounter objects, text …

Specialist eye care brought to the high street in Manchester

Latest news, posted 17 May 2018

Specialist sight-saving NHS eye care has been brought to the high street by Manchester Royal Eye Hospital in a new initiative, one of the first of its kind in the UK.

NHS launches data-sharing 'opt-out' tool for patients across England

Latest news, posted 29 May 2018

The NHS has launched a national data opt-out tool so patients in England can decide not to share their confidential information for use in research and planning.Coinciding with the introduction of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the t…

Survey for Stargardt patients

Latest news, posted 31 May 2018

A charity, which supports people living with genetic conditions, has produced a survey for people with Stargardt disease.

New report says eye health system is failing patients

Latest news, posted 5 June 2018

The Macular Society has welcomed a new report, published today, which says the current eye health system is failing patients on a grand scale.According to the report, published by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Eye Health and Visual Impairme…

New benefit cuts will put unacceptable strain on many VI people

Latest news, posted 21 June 2018

New benefit cuts are set to put an unacceptable strain on many visually impaired people, who already find it hard to meet their material and social needs.A report, launched by Thomas Pocklington Trust at Westminster on Wednesday (20 June), found that sta…

1 in 3 people know someone with macular disease

Latest news, posted 25 June 2018

One in three people know someone with macular disease, according to a survey by the Macular Society.Macular disease affects more people in the UK than Alzheimer’s, yet many people remain unaware of what it is and who is affected.According to the survey o…

Coming up in summer’s Sideview

Latest news, posted 4 July 2018

Science fact or science fiction?

Latest news, posted 5 July 2018

Many false or exaggerated claims are made about treatments for AMD.