
Our 2018 Awards for Excellence winners announced

Latest news, posted 27 September 2018

Our annual Awards for Excellence celebrated their 10th birthday this year.

National Eye Health Week – Could our immune system be causing AMD?

Latest news, posted 28 September 2018

Imagine not being able to read the newspaper, or enjoy the autumn flowers in the garden?

Calls for urgent investigation into eye services at ‘troubled’ NHS trust

Latest news, posted 28 September 2018

The Macular Society has written to the health secretary calling for an urgent investigation into eye services at a troubled NHS trust, highlighting concerns that hundreds of patients are still at risk of going blind.The Society has penned a letter to Mat…

Funding boost will help provide life-changing support services

Latest news, posted 2 October 2018

The Macular Society has been boosted by a grant from Big Lottery Fund, which will support its work across Northern Ireland for the next 12 months.The Society has been awarded £50,000 of continuation funding from Big Lottery Fund Northern Ireland’s ‘Reach…

Tips for VIPs: Children and animals

Latest news, posted 8 October 2018

In our summer edition of Sideview you shared your advice on staying safe and secure at home and when travelling.

Nearly 1.5m people in the UK are affected by macular disease

Latest news, posted 10 October 2018

New figures reveal that nearly 1.5m people in the UK are affected by macular disease, the nation’s biggest cause of sight loss.

Eye drops research progresses

Latest news, posted 16 October 2018

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of sight loss in the UK.

Where next for dry AMD and Stargardt research?

Latest news, posted 18 October 2018

Online searches bring up dozens of suggested treatments for macular disease, each with enthusiastic support from people who claim it has saved their sight.

Hope for four-year-old’s vision after gene therapy

Latest news, posted 25 October 2018

A boy in Oregon has become the first to receive a new treatment for a rare genetic mutation which has caused him to lose his sight.Just two weeks after the first procedure, Caspian’s parents began to notice improvements in their son’s vision.Caspian, age…

Diabetes medication may protect against AMD

Latest news, posted 2 November 2018

Researchers from Taiwan have shown that people with type 2 diabetes who took a common diabetes medication, had a significantly lower rate of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).The study suggests that the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects o…