
'One minute I just thought I'd need glasses, the next I'm going blind'

Latest news, posted 5 July 2018

Sarah was 28 when she first experienced any trouble with her eyesight.

News reader welcomed by Dame Judi Dench

Latest news, posted 12 July 2018

A world-first RSS news reader has been created for people with macular disease, thanks to an academic at Royal Holloway, University of London and has been given the nod by Dame Judi Dench.The brand new Ev News web app has been created to help people with…

Research review suggests diet is linked to AMD

Latest news, posted 17 July 2018

While many research articles have associated diet with the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a recent review has suggested there is evidence in these claims.The analysis of 18 studies, which was published in Clinical & Experiment…

Are people who eat oranges less likely to develop AMD?

Latest news, posted 17 July 2018

You may have seen the headlines over the past few days claiming that eating oranges means you are less likely to develop age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Scientists one step closer to developing eye drops for AMD

Latest news, posted 19 July 2018

Researchers are one step closer to developing eye drops to treat patients with wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Fundraiser in the spotlight on ITV's Love Your Garden

Latest news, posted 24 July 2018

Tune into ITV tonight to watch one of our inspirational fundraisers and volunteers in the spotlight on Alan Titchmarsh’s Love Your Garden.Betty Richards, a long-serving volunteer for the Society, has macular degeneration and describes her vision as akin …

Implant could mean fewer injections for patients with wet AMD

Latest news, posted 7 August 2018

Scientists are studying the effectiveness of a small, refillable eye implant, which means patients with wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can go several months without needing to visit their ophthalmologist for treatment.Genentech (Roche), has a…

Tips for VIPs: Safety and security

Latest news, posted 7 August 2018

In our previous edition of Sideview, you shared your tips on travel and transport as a visually impaired person (VIP).

Artificial intelligence as good as top experts at detecting eye diseases

Latest news, posted 13 August 2018

An artificial intelligence (AI) system can recommend the correct referral decision for over 50 eye diseases with 94% accuracy – matching world leading eye experts.The system developed by researchers at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, DeepMi…

'I could sit at home and feel sorry for myself, or get out and do the things I wanted.'

Latest news, posted 22 August 2018

In 1988, aged just 51, Josephine noticed that straight lines were starting to look wobbly and words were broken up on the page.She recognised the symptoms of macular disease straight away, as her father and aunt had both been affected from the age of 47.