Amanda Carr in lab coat

Switching off genes that cause inherited macular disease

Thursday 26 May 2022

Dr Amanda Carr is working on a Macular Society-funded project to switch off a faulty gene in Best disease, which causes the progression of the disease.

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Christine Dickinson smiling into camera

Chatbot offering timely advice to the visually impaired

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Professor Chris Dickinson discusses her research looking at using a digital computer-based 'personal assistant' to provide patients with timely advice and support following a diagnosis.

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Gene double helix

Inherited macular disease - should I know my gene?

Thursday 28 April 2022

Professor Andrew Webster and genetic counsellor Hannah Knight talk about understanding a genetic diagnosis.

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 James Whiteford portrait

Potential treatment to stop dry AMD turning to wet AMD

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Dr James Whiteford reveals more about the progress being made on an exciting new treatment.

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Researcher Elena Piotter headshot

Gene editing for Stargardt

Tuesday 19 April 2022

PhD student Elena Piotter reveals more about how a gene editing technique called CRISPR could help to treat Stargardt disease.

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Woman using Bionic eye in research

Revolutionary bionic chip for dry AMD

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Consultant ophthalmologist Mahi Muqit discusses the latest technology hoping to restore vision in patients with dry AMD.

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Friendly support

Emotional support for macular disease

Thursday 24 February 2022

A patient who has benefitted from the Society's emotional support talks more about how it has helped.

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Man on phone counselling

Living with macular disease

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Three people living macular disease share their experiences of their diagnosis and discuss how they have learned to live with sight loss.

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Young woman with headphones watching a video on a laptop

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