Ruth Rhydderch

What is an ECLO and how can they support you?

Thursday 30 May 2024

Ruth Rhydderch, an ECLO at the University Hospital of Wales, joins us to discuss her role as an eye clinic liaison officer, and to share her top pieces of advice.

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 Pete Lock

Trains, planes and automobiles

Thursday 29 February 2024

Pete Lock from Guide Dogs shares his experience travelling across the UK on public transport and shares tips and strategies for stress-free journeys.

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Sonali portrait

AMD guidelines vs patient realities

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Is there a gap between the recommended lifestyle advice for patients with AMD and the actual information received by patients? Sonali Dave from City University of London joins us to discuss her research on the subject.

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Louise in woodlands with stick

Maintaining independence with macular disease

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Patients with different types of macular disease talk in detail about the impact their condition has on their lives.

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Howard Moshatael

BrightPage: a tool to help you read with macular disease

Thursday 27 April 2023

Howard Moshtael joins us to discuss BrightPage, a tool that has been designed to help those with macular degeneration to read.

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How effective are techniques to manage visual hallucinations? Robin Walker

How effective are techniques to manage visual hallucinations?

Thursday 30 March 2023

Professor Robin Walker discusses his team's study on the effectiveness of recommended techniques to manage visual hallucinations caused by sight loss.

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Cost Of Living Webinar

Cost of Living - support for people living with sight loss

Thursday 26 January 2023

Our Working Age and Young People's Service Manger, Colin Daniels discusses benefit entitlements, cost of living contingencies and grants for equipment.

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Alex Barker Abilitynet

AbilityNet: A digital world accessible to all

Thursday 27 October 2022

Alex Barker, Advice and Information Officer at AbilityNet, talks more about his role and the support available for people with any disability, of any age, to improve accessibility and enable them to use all kinds of digital technology.

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Young woman with headphones watching a video on a laptop

Register for our latest webinar

Watch our latest webinars online. We asked the experts the questions you wanted answered: on food, staying safe at the eye clinic, and different macular conditions. Catch up with any webinars you missed, or watch again in your own time.