Increased dose of Eylea to extend treatment intervals

Posted: Friday 01 March 2024
Dr Kenneth Fan

Renowned retinal specialist Dr Kenneth Fan has called the higher approved dose of Eylea for patients with wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic macular oedema (DMO), “a pivotal moment” for the treatment of these conditions.

Dr Fan joined our My Macular and Me webinar earlier this month to discuss Eylea (aflibercept) 8mg. This higher dose, just approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), potentially extends treatment intervals up to five months for some patients, offering relief from frequent injections.

Dr Fan said: “We've come a long way in treating AMD, particularly wet AMD. With the arrival of Eylea 8mg, we're witnessing a pivotal moment that promises to redefine how we approach and treat this condition."

The clinical trials 

The authorisation of Eylea 8mg has been based on the results of the phase III PULSAR study in wet AMD and the phase II/III study, PHOTON in DMO.

Fan highlighted how both studies compared the efficacy of Eylea 8mg with the lower 2mg dose that has been available for some years. The results showed that patients who received the higher dose every 12 or 16 weeks had similar outcomes to those who received the 2mg dose every eight weeks, following the initial monthly doses.

“This higher dosage not only extends treatment intervals, providing much-needed relief from frequent injections, but also offers hope for improved outcomes and enhanced quality of life,” he said.

He added: “This breakthrough promises to revolutionise our approach to managing these conditions and represents a significant advancement in ophthalmic care."

The treatment is expected to be available to NHS patients imminently.

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