smiling nurse and patient

Dry AMD patients respond to injection breakthrough studies

Posted: Friday 25 November 2022

Initial findings have shown the majority of people with late-stage dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) would welcome eye injections as a way of slowing down its progress.

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Traffic lights with graphic lights

New Charles Bonnet Syndrome study could be “life changing”

Posted: Wednesday 16 November 2022

Researchers at Royal Holloway University of London will be the first to study the effectiveness of techniques used to manage visual hallucinations caused by sight loss.

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Polly smiling

“You’ve never lived until you’ve seen a floating crocodile”

Posted: Wednesday 16 November 2022

From a reptile gliding overhead to being offered beer by a woman dressed in lederhosen, Polly has seen her fair share of weird, wonderful and sometimes frightening things, from the comfort of her bedroom.

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Jane Figg Group Leader With Flowers

Global seed sales help Beat Macular Disease

Posted: Wednesday 9 November 2022

Global sales of high-quality garden seeds have helped raise more than £35,000 for the Macular Society, which will fund vital research and services for people with macular disease.

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Female researcher in laboratory

Statins and diabetes drugs found to reduce risk of age-related macular degeneration

Posted: Tuesday 8 November 2022

Drugs to control diabetes and lower cholesterol may reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a new study suggests.

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Ora eye test

New partnership to accelerate research into macular disease

Posted: Monday 7 November 2022

Clinical research organisation Ora Inc has partnered with the Macular Society, to accelerate the advancement of new treatments for macular disease and help more patients take part in clinical trials.

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Young woman with headphones watching a video on a laptop

Scotland sight loss specialists to deliver online talk

Posted: Friday 4 November 2022

People living with a sight loss condition in Scotland have been invited to an online talk to find out the latest around macular services and research.

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office workers in discussion

Challenges at work for people with sight loss in Northern Ireland

Posted: Thursday 3 November 2022

A webinar to tackle employment issues and tips for people working with sight loss in Northern Ireland will be hosted by the Macular Society’s working age and young people’s service manager this month.

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Christina Ellis (Headshot)

“A befriender can help in so many ways”

Posted: Tuesday 1 November 2022

“I knew the impact that macular degeneration could have on people. I think the biggest sadness was that I was given that diagnosis, and then left without any real support, any information. So, from that day on, I decided I was going to make people aware of macular degeneration."

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Jessica Smiling

“Everyone wants to be special, but medically special is the one kind of special no one wants to be”

Posted: Monday 31 October 2022

At first it was just things like not being able to read the TV guide, or struggling with text messages on my phone. I couldn’t see the bus numbers until the bus was almost on top of me. I would look at people walking down the street and think they were strange looking, until the next person looked the same. I’m a working mum and thought I was probably just tired."

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PHD Anneliza Smiling into camera

New research investigates immune system's role in AMD

Posted: Monday 31 October 2022

New research is looking into a specific part of the immune system, called the ‘complement system’, which, when damaged, can lead to age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

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Staff member speaking at a conference

Experts unite to find a cure for dry AMD

Posted: Friday 21 October 2022

Global experts in macular disease will meet in the US this month to speed up the progress being made to find a cure for dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

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