Gene double helix

What role does genetics play in AMD?

Posted: Tuesday 2 February 2021

It is known that a very significant proportion of the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is in our genes.

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Researcher with clipboard

New survey for patients with diabetic eye disease

Posted: Thursday 28 January 2021

The Macular Society is calling for patients with diabetic macular oedema (DMO) to take part in a new survey, to help improve treatment and quality of life for patients.

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Pollution, cars and exhaust fumes

New research suggests air pollution could increase the risk of developing AMD

Posted: Tuesday 26 January 2021

Air pollution is linked to a heightened risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to a new study.

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Help improve home testing experiences for visually impaired people

Posted: Tuesday 19 January 2021

We are supporting NHS Test and Trace to conduct research into the experience and accessibility of getting a home test for the coronavirus.

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Blue eye looking up

Webinar to explore the latest in research and treatment for DMO

Posted: Wednesday 13 January 2021

The first condition of our condition-specific Virtual Clinic of 2021 will take place later this month, focusing on diabetic macular oedema (DMO)

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Researcher in laboratory

Medical research at risk

Posted: Thursday 7 January 2021

The progress of macular research is under threat as the coronavirus could leave a huge hole in medical research funding.

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Pharmacy medication

No interruption to medicine supplies for macular patients after Brexit

Posted: Thursday 7 January 2021

Pharmaceutical companies have provided reassurances that there will be no interruption to medicine supplies for patients with macular disease, after the transition period ended on 31 December.

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Eye clinic waiting room

What do the latest coronavirus restrictions mean for eye care services?

Posted: Thursday 7 January 2021

As new lockdowns are announced in England and Scotland this week, and there are restrictions already in place in Wales and Northern Ireland, we ask what this means for eye care.

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closeup of legs on treadmill

Stay fit and active this festive season

Posted: Thursday 24 December 2020

Sticking to a regular exercise routine has been tricky this year and as we head into the festive season it is inevitable we will become less active.

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Cathy Yelf headshot

The thought of anything happening to a loved one is unbearable.

Posted: Wednesday 23 December 2020

"When I heard about George, who was diagnosed with macular disease at just six years old, I thought immediately of my own grandchildren and how my heart would break if one of them was rapidly losing their eyesight due to this dreadful disease.

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Close up of woman having eye test

Pioneering new eye test may predict wet AMD three years before symptoms appear

Posted: Tuesday 22 December 2020

Scientists from UCL and Western Eye Hospital, London, have collaborated on a pioneering new eye test that could predict wet age related macular degeneration (AMD), up to three years before symptoms develop.

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George and grandparents

'A cure in George’s lifetime would mean everything'

Posted: Monday 21 December 2020

“I remember how we felt when George was diagnosed, we were absolutely devastated, because you start thinking about a 6-year-old boy, and the fact that he’d lost quite a lot of sight so quickly. It was just beyond comprehension."

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