As well as medical research, the Macular Society funds research to help those living with macular disease now. For example, projects on the eccentric viewing technique have helped the Society to train and support those with macular disease to use their remaining vision most effectively.

We have also funded work to identify how best to run our network of over 400 local groups, which provide valuable peer support. Meeting others with macular disease can help people to understand the condition, come to terms with their sight loss and ultimately stay independent as much as possible. The groups also share information about support and treatment. For more information, please see our Skills for Seeing page.

In the future, we will fund research to increase our understanding of what helps people living with sight loss, and investigate new ideas for supporting them and their families. This may include the use of technology, where new products such as apps and ‘smart glasses’ designed to help the visually impaired are being developed all the time.

Want to find out more?

Professor Luminita Paraoan and her team, University of Liverpool

Our research projects

Since 1987 the Macular Society has invested around £10 million in over 100 research projects.

Dean Hallam Lako Project

Research features

The truth behind the headlines on sight loss, “cures” for blindness and research breakthroughs.

