
Global seed sales help Beat Macular Disease

Latest news, posted 9 November 2022

Global sales of high-quality garden seeds have helped raise more than £35,000 for the Macular Society, which will fund vital research and services for people with macular disease.

New Charles Bonnet Syndrome study could be “life changing”

Latest news, posted 16 November 2022

Researchers at Royal Holloway University of London will be the first to study the effectiveness of techniques used to manage visual hallucinations caused by sight loss.

“You’ve never lived until you’ve seen a floating crocodile”

Latest news, posted 16 November 2022

From a reptile gliding overhead to being offered beer by a woman dressed in lederhosen, Polly has seen her fair share of weird, wonderful and sometimes frightening things, from the comfort of her bedroom.

Dry AMD patients respond to injection breakthrough studies

Latest news, posted 25 November 2022

Initial findings have shown the majority of people with late-stage dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) would welcome eye injections as a way of slowing down its progress.

"Doeddwn i ddim yn gwybod faint o bobl oedd yn debyg i mi"

Latest news, posted 21 December 2022

Fel llawer o bobl eraill sy'n cael diagnosis o glefyd macwlaidd, doedd gan Margaret ddim syniad beth oedd y cyflwr a faint o bobl eraill oedd yn cael eu heffeithio ganddo. Ar ôl cael profiad personol o'r ofn a'r ynysu oedd yn dod yn sgil ei chyflwr, roedd Margaret, sy'n 79 oed, eisiau helpu pobl eraill sydd angen cefnogaeth.

New research funding for diabetic eye disease

Latest news, posted 1 December 2022

Leading eye charities, including the Macular Society, have partnered with Diabetes UK to fund more research into diabetic eye disease and prevent unnecessary sight loss.

Tackling the challenges in eye care

Latest news, posted 2 December 2022

The new national clinical director for eye care has spoken about her plans to address the challenges across ophthalmology services in the UK, including the increasing demand for NHS services.

Emotional impact of sight loss in employment tackled in new group therapy

Latest news, posted 5 December 2022

The Macular Society’s counselling service has launched a new series of group therapy sessions aimed to overcome the inevitable challenges faced by people with sight loss in employment.

New partnership to improve access to eye care

Latest news, posted 9 December 2022

OcuPlan, a payment plan for people with macular disease and other eye conditions, and the Macular Society have announced a new partnership.

“I didn’t know how many people were like me”

Latest news, posted 21 December 2022

Like many others who are diagnosed with macular disease, Margaret had no idea what the condition was and how many others were affected but, after experiencing the fear and isolation of her condition first hand, the 79-year-old wanted to help others in need of support.