
Entertaining calls to light up dark winter nights

Latest news, posted 22 December 2022

From diving into the history of British broadcasting, to finding out about the life and times of a society hostess and philanthropist, there’s plenty up for discussion with our Winter Warmer calls.

"People don’t consider that there will be a life after diagnosis"

Latest news, posted 1 March 2023

Beverley has been a Macular Society counsellor for more than 20 years. In this time she has spoken to hundreds of people struggling to come to terms with the life-changing diagnosis of macular disease.

Help abolish VAT on audiobooks

Latest news, posted 1 March 2023

An MP is leading a call in Parliament to abolish VAT on audiobooks, to support people with visual impairments.

Do you suffer from pain after your eye injection?

Latest news, posted 3 April 2023

While many people don’t experience any problems from their regular eye injections, there are a few others who have complained about pain or discomfort in the hours following the treatment.

Workforce Census illustrates severe shortage of eye doctors

Latest news, posted 31 March 2023

The Macular Society has reacted with concern to The Royal College of Ophthalmologist’s 2022 Workforce Census, which reveals the shortage of eye doctors in the UK and the extent of pressure on NHS ophthalmology services.

“I wanted to do something to challenge myself”

Latest news, posted 31 March 2023

A grandmother of four with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) will be taking on her first-ever marathon this month, at the age of 70.

Cyfrifiad y Gweithlu yn dangos prinder difrifol o feddygon llygad

Latest news, posted 31 March 2023

Mae'r Gymdeithas Facwlaidd wedi ymateb gyda phryder i Gyfrifiad y Gweithlu 2022 gan Goleg Brenhinol yr Offthalmolegwyr, sy'n datgelu prinder o feddygon llygad yn y DU a maint y pwysau sydd ar wasanaethau offthalmoleg y GIG.

Changes to voting affecting blind and partially sighted people

Latest news, posted 3 April 2023

The local elections next month will be the first time people across the country will be asked to provide photo ID in order to vote.

New drug for dry AMD - Syfovre: your questions answered

Latest news, posted 4 April 2023

In February we shared the exciting news that the first-ever drug to treat dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has been approved in the US. With the support of Apellis Pharmaceuticals, which has brought the drug to market, we answer some of your most frequently asked questions.

‘Inspirational’ Ann, 99, sets out to complete marathon walking challenge

Latest news, posted 5 April 2023

An inspirational 99-year-old is celebrating her milestone year by walking the equivalent distance of a marathon around her local running track in a bid to help beat macular disease.