
New implant for patients with late-stage AMD

Latest news, posted 3 October 2023

Eye surgeons in Newcastle have become the first in the UK to give patients with late-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD) a pioneering new eye implant.

Talking about your diagnosis

Latest news, posted 4 October 2023

A diagnosis of macular disease can be overwhelming, impacting various aspects of your life, including your mental health, relationships and independence. Despite this, many people struggle to speak openly about what they are going through.

"Dwi wedi dysgu'r holl sgiliau sydd eu hangen arna i er mwyn byw'n annibynnol"

Latest news, posted 20 September 2023

Pan sylweddolodd Nick, sy'n gwirfoddol i'r Gymdeithas Facwlaidd, ei fod yn sydyn yn methu gwneud cwpanaid o de iddo'i hun, roedd yn gwybod fod angen cymorth arno i ailddarganfod bywyd annibynnol gyda cholli golwg.

“My white cane is absolutely essential – I wouldn’t be without it”

Latest news, posted 13 October 2023

When Julia and Irene step out of their front doors, they do so with an air of confidence - and it’s all thanks to their white canes.

“You have to try and remain connected and appreciate what you’ve got”

Latest news, posted 26 October 2023

With lots going on in her personal life in 2017 Geraldine admits she had little time to process the news that she had the early stages of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Proposals to transform eye care to be unveiled to politicians

Latest news, posted 27 October 2023

Recommendations for a national plan to improve eye care services across the UK will be presented to MPs in Parliament next month, thanks to funding from Roche.

Macular disease under the spotlight at Conservative conference

Latest news, posted 25 October 2023

The Macular Society's director of research took to the stage at the Conservative Party Conference earlier this month to shine a light on the need to improve healthcare, especially for people living with macular disease.

Entertaining evening Winter Warmers calls return

Latest news, posted 27 October 2023

A programme of entertaining, weekly calls returns this winter to bring comfort and friendship straight to your home during the longer, colder nights.

Railway ticket office closure plans scrapped

Latest news, posted 31 October 2023

Plans to close hundreds of railway ticket offices across England have been scrapped.

“Our son has macular disease, there was a chance our daughter would get it too. We hoped the odds would be in our favour”

Latest news, posted 8 November 2023

When George was diagnosed with macular disease at the age of seven, his mum Sarah and dad Ollie knew there was a one in four chance their daughter could be affected too. But, as Farrah wasn’t showing any symptoms, they put the thought to the back of their mind. Until one day, she told Sarah she had kept seeing funny things out of the corner of her eyes.